PERTH AMBOY — Acting Superintendent of Schools Vivian Rodriguez takes a calm approach in making sure the district focuses on getting work done.
The calmness she displays in her management and personal approach may be one of the reasons she was asked back to the district after being on sabbatical for several months.
And her calmness appears to be a welcomed change from the upheaval the district has been through over the last three years during disputes between the board and the school superintendent who was put on paid administrative leave last fall.
“She’s sincere in how she goes about things. She’s not reactive. She thinks about what she says and she’s very organized and very diligent in how she follows through,” Board of Education President Obdulia Gonzalez said.
“Dr. Rodriguez is fair in her assessment. She’s not quick or slow to make a decision,” said Diane Crawford, president of Perth Amboy Federation/American Federation of Teachers. “She has had a very open door.”